Qrgo API
This API generates QR codes with customizable parameters. It returns an image of the QR code based on the provided query parameters.
GET /api/qr
Generates a QR code based on the provided query parameters.
Query Parameters
"as" (svg | png)
Response format. Default is "svg".
"data" (string)
The data to be encoded in the QR code. Required.
"s" (number)
The size of the QR code in pixels (Min: 100, Max: 1000). Default is 200.
"bg" (string)
Background color of the QR code in hexadecimal format. Default is `#000000`
"fg" (string)
Foreground color of the QR code in hexadecimal format. Default is `#FFFFFF`
"cr" (number)
The corner radius of the QR code (Min: 0, Max: 15). Default is 10.
"title" (string)
A title for the QR code. Default is an empty string.
"logo" (string)
URL of the logo to be included in the center of the QR code. Supports .jpg, .png extensions. Default is an empty string.
"download" (string)
If set to `"true"`, the response will include headers to prompt a file download with a generated filename. Default is an empty string.
Example Request
GET /api/qr?data=https://example.com&bg=%23000&fg=%23fff&title=Example&logo=https://placehold.co/120x120/FFF/000/png&cr=5
This request will generate a QR code with the specified parameters, where:
- `data` is set to 'https://example.com'
- `bg` (background color) is #000
- `fg` (foreground color) is #FFF
- `title` is 'Example'
- `logo` url is https://placehold.co/120x120/FFF/000/png
- `cr` (corner radius) is 5
- Ensure that URL parameters are properly encoded.
- The size, background and foreground colors, and corner radius can greatly affect the visibility and scan-ability of the QR code. Test different configurations for best results.
- Enjoy the service 😉